The Duo

The Duo

Monday, April 3, 2017

Hormonal and Loving it

A good cry once in a while can be so therapeutic for the soul - healthy even, but crying all the time? Talk about exhausting!

Lately I feel like I can't stop crying and frankly it's just making me even more emotional than I already am. Like the other day I opened the cupboard under our kitchen sink to get a new garbage bag for our trash can, only to find that my husband - bless his heart - had moved all of my cleaners around to make room for some homemade wine he's recently started brewing. For no reason at all I dropped to my knees and WEPT. Not just a few tears here and there, oh no, but a flood like I've never experienced before - why? Because my cleaners had been moved.

Just recently I was washing our laundry and I pulled one of those convenient little 'Tide Pods' out to pop it in the washer. As I was doing so I happened to notice that the design on this particular pod was crooked and you guessed it - I cried. OVER LAUNDRY DETERGENT!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What on earth happened to the strong, independent girl that could always hold her own and manage her emotions? What happened to the capable young woman I used to be that could always 'get a grip' when something bothered her? I'll tell you what: pregnancy that's what.

Being pregnant has taken my once solid and stoic persona and turned it into a tub of gelatinous goo. I feel like the most unstable human being on the planet, and to make it worse I know that the things I cry over are ridiculous - which just makes me cry even more because I feel like I have no control over my emotional balance. Honestly it's pathetic. One day you go from being a strong, level headed individual and then BAM! You find out you're pregnant, your hormones kick in, and you lose it.

Let me just be blunt for a second - hormones suck. Haha
The only, and I do mean ONLY upside to this, is that at the end of these 9 emotional months, I get to finally have the dream of motherhood become a reality. The downside? I don't think these hormones will ever go away! But all in all, I'll take being a blubbering mess over the strong individual that I once was if it means I get to be a mama at the end of it, any day of the week.

I really am excited for parenthood. I've truly never wanted anything more than to be a wife (check) and a mother. (almost check) Honestly right now, I'm perfectly content with being an emotional and slightly neurotic woman while I watch my belly grow, and glow over the little life growing inside of me. There's nothing better than this. :)


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